Sunday, August 24, 2014

So with #HandsUpFriday photos I am seeing white people put #IllNeverHaveToDoThis...
I feel like we're underestimating #PoliceBrutality based on having #WhitePrivilege. #RacismInAmerica is clear and #Ferguson uncovered it for us who don't face it everyday, and I'm thankful for that. We need to #EndItStatistics show more #WhitePolice on #Black Civilian violence, I recognize that, and I'm #Disgusted by that.
#WhitePeople we can't rest on the color of our skin to be protected from #PoliceBrutality or act like it can't happen to us. The #corruption is in the system, in the insane power and immunity they receive. We need #Demilitarization of the police and accountability. #Race is a huge element of the #FergusonShooting and it brought it to light for those of us who didn't see it, thanks to #Activists and #IndependantMediaBut lets not forget that #PoliceBrutality in general as well as #OurRights that are being infringed upon needs major work. #OneAndAll need to come together, across lines of #Gender, #Age, and #Race, to #BeHeard and get #RealChange happening in ALL OF OUR CITIES.


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