Thursday, March 13, 2014

Mark Zuckerberg The Good Guy

     So it seems Fuckerberg is actually a good guy for once.. He called Obama over NSA spying and complained! But as we all know complaining to some one in power gets you no where.. I'm still waiting for my dislike button Mark..

Zuckerberg had this to say on his facebook earlier today..
"As the world becomes more complex and governments everywhere struggle, trust in the internet is more important today than ever.
The internet is our shared space. It helps us connect. It spreads opportunity. It enables us to learn. It gives us a voice. It makes us stronger and safer together.
To keep the internet strong, we need to keep it secure. That's why at Facebook we spend a lot of our energy making our services and the whole internet safer and more secure. We encrypt communications, we use secure protocols for traffic, we encourage people to use multiple factors for authentication and we go out of our way to help fix issues we find in other people's services.
The internet works because most people and companies do the same. We work together to create this secure environment and make our shared space even better for the world.
This is why I've been so confused and frustrated by the repeated reports of the behavior of the US government. When our engineers work tirelessly to improve security, we imagine we're protecting you against criminals, not our own government.
The US government should be the champion for the internet, not a threat. They need to be much more transparent about what they're doing, or otherwise people will believe the worst.
I've called President Obama to express my frustration over the damage the government is creating for all of our future. Unfortunately, it seems like it will take a very long time for true full reform.
So it's up to us -- all of us -- to build the internet we want. Together, we can build a space that is greater and a more important part of the world than anything we have today, but is also safe and secure. I'm committed to seeing this happen, and you can count on Facebook to do our part."

     To long and you didn't actually read it? Well pretty much he's pissed off that NSA is spying and the government needs to be more transparent.. Funny how that works, in my opinion he's just butt hurt he had to work so hard for all this personal information to sell and now the government is collecting it like it's shit at a cow farm.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

So recently I locked my gf's android device I got here.. I wanted to play nyan cat.. Well with some googling I found out some simple steps to unlock her Trio Stealth G2.

With out further wait here are the steps!!

 *  windows PC
 * Install android SDK ( - private)
 * Connect the tablet with USB cable to the PC
 * Install USB drivers for android tablet on PC (Updates drivers using this folder
 * Open the command prompt
 * Change directory to the android SDK platform tools (Type in cmd--> cd C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools)

 * Type following commands in cmd
   *** adb devices (verify device is identified by pc. If not reconnect device and try again)
   *** adb shell
   *** cd /data/data/
   *** sqlite3 settings.db
   *** update system set value=0 where name='lock_pattern_autolock';
   *** update secure set value=0 where name='lock_pattern_autolock';
   *** update system set value=0 where name='lockscreen.lockedoutpermanently';
   *** update secure set value=0 where name='lockscreen.lockedoutpermanently';
   *** .quit
   *** exit
   *** adb reboot

Saturday, March 1, 2014

         I have had the great pleasure to be informed of a brand new web hosting company, I myself will be buying a domain on the 5th and going for the starter plan for a year. If you currently don't have a domain name don't worry about it because over at Orbact you can purchase one before you pick your hosting plan! I recommend everyone taking advantage of the promo's that are being offered for the launch. Orbact has several plans in place right now which I'll list below with the add-ons that you can purchase. Or you can skip reading what I have to say and hurry over to  and use Coupon Code “GO-25” for 25% Off One-time and Coupon Code “GO-10” For a 10% Lifetime Discount. Also before I forget this company is so new that they are also currently hiring for sale and support.
Also we are currently looking for extra staff! The departments needing staff will be listed below. If you interested in becoming a staff member please contact HR at:

Sales Department
Technical Operators (Support)

Shared Hosting Plans:

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