The story of the Sea Hag isn’t one many know about. But I’ve luckly found a few folks in #OceanShores Washington who have encountered this being.

The story dates back to 1947. Ocean Shores wasn’t anything special or well even thought of as place someone would want to visit for vacation. But a young man and his bride to be thought it would be a perfect place to set up shop and make a family.
The only names we can tie to these people are George and Betty-Lou. Now if these are their names for sure are unknown, but what is known is tragedy followed their move. The couple where wildly in love and had plans to help the small community that was forming flourish.
But these people who where already settled and set in their ways where leery of new comers. But this didn’t change George and Betty’s kind hearts and they started attending the local gatherings. But before long they felt something wasn’t quite right with these people.
In a letter that was found in the local muesuem George was writing to a unknown family member stating, “I’m worried, Betty has been seeing people in the dune grass again at dusk.”.
We may never know who Betty saw for sure but we do know what happened to her. The story of the horrific incident is something that the few people who know of the Sea Hag know well.
On a windy night at the beach side of the dunes a yellow and orange light was seen bright as the sun they say. Betty decided to go see what it was fearing a wild fire maybe starting. When Betty reached the beach she found a half lit fire still burning in a shallow grave. Betty couldn’t make out what exactly was burning but the stench was said to be that of rotting flesh.
Betty turned to head back to her home expecting George to be back from his job at the local stables. But when better approached her house the door was wide open and the house was pitch black.
Betty being a brave young woman approached the house expecting to find that they where robbed. But that’s not what she found at all. Everything was as it should be in her house. Everything but George. Betty could hear a knocking sound from the bed room. The room her and George built from the ground up, the room dreams where made in. But when Betty entered the room her dreams where turned to nightmares. George was swinging from side to side from the wooden rafters with an axe in his back and a burned M on his cheek.
Betty was struck with fear, she ran out of the house but with no real friends or family she had no where to run too. Some of the locals claim she ran to the point which is now called Damon’s Point.
Days went bye, George was buried. Betty was assumed dead or gone and was a key suspect in the murder of her fiancée.
But this was not true, Betty was alive. Well at least that’s what it seemed like. Locals would see her in the shadows and in the dunes. They would hear words that they could not understand and assumed Betty went crazy.
Months went by with out any real issues. Then on a early Sunday morning Betty was found standing in front of the local church. As the church goers arrived Betty started to point and yell. She swore she would have her revenge, she knew what they all did.
The story at this point varies depending on who you ask. But they all agree that she went back to that burning hole in the ground and found a small child missing his legs and a M branded into his neck.
The truth was revealed that the locals where not what they seemed but rather a cult of Maliki. Betty’s swore she would have revenge and started to speak in gibberish. Betty’s then turned to the “holy” church and lit it on fire.
As the flames raged the church goers pushed her into the flames as they rushed in to save their scriptures. As Betty was engulfed by the raging flames she spoke one last word, “death”.
Most believed she was embracing the final stretch of her existence. Others knew it was an omen, a promise of thin to come.
Years passed, the locals who where their for the tragedy where old and dying. Some told their children of the cult and the dark history of the town. Others died in silence maybe regretting their life choices, maybe fearing what others would think.
In 1990 everything changed, the booming tourist town felt a rift in the normally peaceful nature of the beach life. A sudden death of one of the oldest bloodlines shook the community.
What was odd about this death was it that the authority’s claimed it was a suicide. They stated the victim branded an M over their own mouth and then hung them self from the second story balcony.
Neighbors reported they say a woman, but could not recognize who she was. Others in the town started feeling like they where being watched from the dunes. They claimed there was a creature lurking. Authorities never took much action writing the sounds and sights off as bears or other creatures.
Some paranormal investigators claim it was a “skin walker”. But the truth is Betty had came back. She was bringing that final promise forth. Fulfilling her nightmaresish needs, and cleansing the town of the it’s wicked blood.
Sightings kept coming into the local paranormal groups. Many people sent in photos which we have had the pleasure of obtaining her at CTronic.
Betty was back and the oldest of the locals knew it. Fear was setting in and the town started to slowly decay. Wild fires took the life of three other long time family’s of Ocean Shores. When the bodies where found they where missing their legs and branded again with a M on the neck.
The authorities claim the branding was done while living and healed, so it must of been some sort of scarification they did themselves. But as for the legs? Well they stated it was animals. But we know the truth, Betty the Sea Hag took their life.
As the years pasted and the town settled down, Betty was seen less. The stories almost forgotten, but recently a long time resident has returned to his home town and has claimed he has seen her. He has heard her voice, the voice of a weather soul.
He stated in an exclusive interview that he heard her while he was sleeping. He claimed she said, “it finally starts again.”. What this means for the tourist town of Ocean Shores is unknown but we are sure to find out soon.
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