I have had the great pleasure to be informed of a brand new web hosting company, I myself will be buying a domain on the 5th and going for the starter plan for a year. If you currently don't have a domain name don't worry about it because over at Orbact you can purchase one before you pick your hosting plan! I recommend everyone taking advantage of the promo's that are being offered for the launch. Orbact has several plans in place right now which I'll list below with the add-ons that you can purchase. Or you can skip reading what I have to say and hurry over to
https://www.orbact.com and use Coupon Code
“GO-25” for 25% Off One-time and Coupon Code
“GO-10” For a 10% Lifetime Discount. Also before I forget this company is so new that they are also currently hiring for sale and support.
Also we are currently looking for extra staff! The departments needing
staff will be listed below. If you interested in becoming a staff member
please contact HR at: Jobs@orbact.com
Sales Department
Technical Operators (Support)
Shared Hosting Plans:

So far I can see some great hosting planning from them. Hosting services should have reliale server. without web hosting servies no website can hold a great position over the web.you can check- grafwebcuso.com can give us CU Web Hosting solution.
ReplyDeleteIt is really important for website to get better position it will need better web hosting services. For more ideas CU web hosting help you to create something authentic.